Sunday, January 2, 2011


When I get on facebook and I see all the people posting - "So glad this year is over" or "Hoping next year is better than this year was," all I can do is shake my head.  It's the same every year.  Does everyone really have a BAD year every year or is that the only thing they focus on?  Newsflash -   December 31, 2010 will be the same as January 1, 2011 if you're attitude is still the same.

So why does the bad stuff shadow out all the good come December 31st?  It's a shame no one reflects on any of the good things that happened to them...or maybe they didn't realize it was a good thing.  Maybe the good things that happened to us aren't as impacting as the bad.  Maybe its time to change that.

I can't think of anything SUPER awesome that happened to me,  but some of the good things in 2010 for me were- I kept my job and had a consistent paycheck to pay my bills, my child was healthy besides a few colds here and there, my parents and siblings are alive and are still annoying and as entertaining as ever, I became involved in charity work that allowed me to do things I want to do full time but can't, I met a lot of new people that are now a part of my life - some have actually changed it for the better, and I lost 15 pounds - yay me! 

So if all you can do is look back on all the bad, try looking back on all the good.  You may have lost a friend or family member this year, you may have lost your job, you may have endured a broken heart...but the bottom line is - You're here, right now, today.  And there's a reason why you are here.  I can't tell you that reason, but why not try to figure it out yourself? And if you're one of those people that makes resolutions, here's a good one for you- do something you've never done before.  That's mine...and will be mine every year till I kick the bucket.

My "new year's wish" to all of you is that I hope each of you do something you've never done before within the next 12 months... and to have a positive attitude along the way.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you in spirit, there is no difference between 12/31/2010 and 1/1/2011, but I must disagree that some how the cosmic forces that hold everything together seem to align sometimes and make some years bad for some people. For my family is was 2003, that was our bad year. Somehow deaths seem to group together and make for bad year. But other than that, every other year has been what I make of it. That is where the reflection of my attitude comes in.

    I think you had a pretty good year. I hope your attitude continues and 2011 is just as good as 2010.
